Media Relations for Municipalities

Media Relations for Municipalities

The way your municipality handles media relations is critical. In this program, public relations and social media expert, Gina Rubel presents various ways municipalities should handle media relations, especially where the media attention is unsolicited.

September 2018

Social Media Policies for Municipalities

Social Media Policies for Municipalities

Social Media presence is important, but the policies to protect municipalities are critical. In this program, public relations and social media expert, Gina Rubel presents social media policies for municipalities to the Government Finance Officers Association of Pennsylvania.

August 2018

Social Media Barriers for Municipalities: Policies and Protocols

Social Media Barriers for Municipalities: Policies and Protocols

Municipalities need to be aware of the social media barriers including budget, training and buy-in. In this program, public relations and social media expert Gina Rubel explains how to manage each step to the Government Finance Officers Association of Pennsylvania.

August 2018

Effective Use of Social Media by Municipalities: Doylestown, PA

Effective Use of Social Media by Municipalities: Doylestown, PA

Municipalities that utilize social media effectively have strategic plans in place to quickly provide the community with important updates and information. Gina Rubel presented examples of effective use of social media to the Government Finance Officers Association of Pennsylvania.

July 2018

Managing Social Media Profiles for Municipalities in Pennsylvania

Managing Social Media Profiles for Municipalities in Pennsylvania

The process for managing social media profiles for municipalities in PA can be broken down into a series of steps. In this program, public relations and social media expert Gina Rubel explains how to manage each step to the Government Finance Officers Association of Pennsylvania.

July 2018

Importance of Social Media for Municipalities in Pennsylvania

Importance of Social Media for Municipalities in Pennsylvania

Social media for municipalities in Pennsylvania is important and few have embraced social media or leverage its full potential. In this program, public relations and social media expert, Gina Rubel presented social media to the Government Finance Officers Association of Pennsylvania.

June 2018

6 Stages of Crisis Response When a Bank’s Website is Hacked [Video]

6 Stages of Crisis Response When a Bank’s Website is Hacked [Video]

Gina Rubel discusses the 6 Stages of Crisis Response When a Bank’s Website is Hacked. While the focus of the presentation is on community bank crisis management, the stages of crisis response and crisis management apply across the board to all businesses and in particular law firms, accounting firms, financial service providers, nonprofits, municipalities and other business.

May 2018

Crisis Planning When a Bank’s Website is Hacked: Audience & Tactics [Video]

Crisis Planning When a Bank’s Website is Hacked: Audience & Tactics [Video]

Gina Rubel, discusses Planning for a Crisis When a Bank’s Website is Hacked: The Audience & Tactics. While the focus of the presentation is on community bank crisis management, the concepts apply across the board to all businesses and in particular law firms, accounting firms, financial service providers, nonprofits, municipalities and other business which should be concerned with website hacking and data breaches.

April 2018

Planning for a Crisis: The Scenarios [Video]

Planning for a Crisis: The Scenarios [Video]

In part three of this five-part series, Furia Rubel B2B Marketing and Public Relations CEO, Gina Rubel, discusses the types of scenarios that trigger the need to implement a crisis response plan, the eight questions to consider when drafting scenarios for a crisis response plan, and the six questions to ask in your crisis management planning.


April 2018

Elements of a Crisis Management Plan [Video]

Elements of a Crisis Management Plan [Video]

In part two of this five-part series, Furia Rubel B2B Marketing and Public Relations CEO, Gina Rubel, discusses the six major elements in a crisis management plan (CMP).

March 2018