Dear Readers,
Since March 2020, the Furia Rubel crisis communications team and our clients have been inundated with news, work-related challenges, and the need for appropriate internal and external coronavirus (COVID-19) messages. As a resource to our readers, we have developed several draft messages for your business to use when dealing with coronavirus issues. These should be used as a starting point only, and customized based on your company’s needs.
Please note that this was originally drafted early in the pandemic and has been updated as of mid-November 2020. Please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback with us should you have something to add.
We will update this post in the days and weeks ahead and share additional messages or examples that have been posted publicly.
Stay healthy,
Gina Rubel and the Furia Rubel Team
According to all accounts, incidents of positive coronavirus cases in our area(s) is on the rise. We ask that all of you observe local and state regulations, and the CDC’s guidance in helping to protect yourself and others from the COVID-19 virus and other transmittable illnesses.
Here is information from the World Health Organization on how to protect yourself and others.
Please watch the videos:
Here is our [COMPANY’S/ORGANIZATION’S] guidance on COVID-19.
- Always wear a mask when not inside your home.
- Do not come into the building (or leave home except to obtain medical care) if you are feeling unwell or believe you may have been exposed to someone confirmed to be infected with coronavirus. Please opt for caution if you are unsure.
- Wash your hands frequently and use alcohol-based sanitizer (60% alcohol or more) when soap and water are unavailable.
- Use antimicrobial wipes to clean shared surfaces, including when traveling.
- Cover your coughs and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and dispose of tissues properly.
- Be considerate when disposing of your trash to aid in cleaning efforts.
- Minimize travel between other offices, floors and other businesses.
- Cancel non-essential meetings at the office for the next 30 days.
- Consider keeping at least a meter/yard distance between yourself and colleagues.
If you or someone in your family is immunocompromised (e.g., pregnant, has an underlying respiratory condition such as asthma or COPD, is on medication that depresses one’s immunity such as cancer treatments), we recommend working from home until otherwise notified.
Please notify [NAME, TITLE, CONTACT INFORMATION] to coordinate your needs.
We are currently cleaning all common touchpoints several times a day and [INSERT WHAT YOUR COMPANY IS DOING HERE].
These steps are meant to protect our community. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
As of [DATE AND TIME], it has come to our attention that a member of the [COMPANY’s/ORGANIZATION’s] executive leadership team was notified that a member of our team in our [LOCATION] office has [BEEN EXPOSED TO/TESTED POSITIVE FOR] COVID-19, commonly known as the coronavirus. Because the health and safety of our personnel and clients is our top priority, [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] is temporarily closing its [LOCATION] office. As a measure of caution, our leadership team has also taken the steps of [INCLUDE STEPS HERE] while we evaluate this situation.
“Our first priority is to ensure the health and safety of our staff and visitors,” said [SPOKESPERSON/TITLE]. “In the meantime, our team is equipped with the required technology to work remotely and remains ready and available to assist our [CLIENTS/CUSTOMERS]. We will continue to evaluate the situation, put measures in place to protect our communities, and communicate with you via our website at [URL] as soon as we have more information to share.”
For more information on COVID-19, see:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19
- World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19
As coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to impact the global community, we want to update you on the steps we have taken to ensure business continuity for our [customers/clients].
Based on guidance from the World Health Organization, we have updated our Business Continuity Plan with specific steps to account for COVID-19.
It goes without saying that, in the current environment, the health and safety of our employees, [customers/clients] and partners are priority. This is an unprecedented time for everyone, and the situation is changing daily. We are committed to maintaining our business operations and ensuring you continue to receive the highest quality service without disruption.
Thank you for your continued trust in [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION].
In accordance with guidance from local, state and federal health authorities, which are discouraging gatherings of people in order to try to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), [COMPANY/ORGANIZATION] has decided to [CANCEL/POSTPONE] [NAME AND DATE OF EVENT].
We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause. We know that you join us in prioritizing the health and well-being of your team members and colleagues. We value our relationship with you and the commitment you have made to this event and look forward to continuing our work together.
For more coronavirus resources, please visit our Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis & PR Resource Center.